Being overweight can cause a long list of physical health problems, from type 2 diabetes to heart disease. However, it can also take a toll on your emotional health. When people achieve their weight loss goals in Fort Wayne , they often find that they feel better both physically and emotionally. Anxiety and depression are two emotional conditions that frequently plague people before they decide to lose weight. Continue reading to find out more.

Anxiety and Obesity

Obesity and anxiety are linked in a number of ways, and each appears to reinforce the other. For some people, anxiety can cause them to eat more, which leads to weight gain. In other cases, people gain weight for various reasons and then develop anxiety, particularly social anxiety about their condition. Repeated cycles of weight loss and weight gain can also contribute to anxiety. Doctors believe that the relationship between obesity and anxiety is complex and likely involves several different factors. For instance, women who are overweight report more feelings of anxiety than men, which may be because of social expectations. Another factor for people with anxiety is medication. In some cases, medications used to treat anxiety can trigger weight gain. If you are trying to lose weight and find that anxiety medication is interfering, your doctor can help you find a solution.

Depression and Obesity

As with anxiety, doctors know that there is a link between depression and weight, but they have not identified the exact nature of the relationship. People who are obese may experience low self-esteem, social withdrawal, and poor self-image that can lead to depression. Likewise, people who are depressed may overeat and become sedentary, which can lead to obesity. Depression medications, like anxiety medications, can also contribute to weight gain. However, some medications can actually support healthy weight loss. With a safe weight loss plan and the right medications, you can treat obesity and depression at the same time.