How Does Weight Impact Fertility?

One common reason why people seek to lose weight near Fort Wayne is to start a family. In some cases, people simply want to feel their best as they transition to parenthood and be healthy enough to run around after young children. Others may be struggling with fertility and seeking a solution that makes conceiving easier. Does weight impact your fertility and can healthy weight loss bring you closer to your dreams of starting a family? Here is what you need to know. Is There a Healthy Weight for Pregnancy? There is no specific target weight for pregnancy, but your doctor may [...]

2020-09-21T15:25:33-04:00Hormone Imbalance, Weight Loss|

What Causes Weight Gain?

The primary cause of weight gain is widely accepted to be the consumption of more calories than the body uses for all of its functions. However, there are many other factors that can contribute to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Since every individual’s weight loss journey is unique, it’s advisable to look for programs for weight loss in Fort Wayne that provide customized weight loss solutions . Processed Foods Many health experts agree that one of the most significant factors behind expanding waistlines in the U.S. and other developed countries is the prevalence of processed foods. Processed foods, such as snack bars, frozen [...]